After attending last year’s Affordable Art Fair where The Art Students League had a booth, and after hearing about the generations of New York artists who’ve been members at “The League”, and after lots of talk and no action, I finnnnnalllllly pulled the trigger and signed up for the Drawing with Color art class twice a week.
To refresh your memory, The Art Students League is a studio style art school where classes are continually held throughout the year and students pay monthly. You merely come into class once you’ve started paying, rather than having a formal beginning to a class or semester structure. I believe the summer may be its own session but otherwise, we keep rolling.
The teacher is not present every class so students work independently. There are also additional weekly studio hours that students can attend to draw or paint from models.
The first day, admittedly, was kind of weird. It wasn’t the day the teacher was there and a lot of people were clearly continuing on their own independent projects. I did some sketches for the 2017 Spring Collection but without any other guidance and not my full panoply of supplies, I ducked out a bit early.
Yesterday the teacher was there and I also brought a lot more paints, canvases and such to work with. Again, it was basically independent study with everyone working on whatever they had brought. The teacher was outgoing and walked around giving advice and opinions on the work.
Definitely not your typical art class but I can see I’m going to get a lot of work done and I appreciate his insights and feedback.
Fun stuff!